
Sunday, April 4, 2010

WEIRD word of the day

Weird word of the day: Perhaps.

Ok every day I'll post a weird word... just stare at that word for 60 seconds and say it a few times in a row. Once you do that, I promise you, it will start looking weirder and weirder... and then I'll tell you the origin and definition of that word so you can see how it came together... Words are weird!

Also- I should point out that every linguist should understand that words are arbitrary... that means that words have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the thing they are describing... When I say "dog" the sounds [d-ɑ-g] have nothing to do with that furry little four-legged, barking Canis lupis familiaris... and so every language has a different way of labeling and naming things, and the only reason those words may be similar is if the words come from the same origin. Hence, "dog" (English) and "perro" (Spanish)... English is a Germanic language while Spanish is a Latin language. However, "hunde" (German) is related to "hound" (English)... This is called "Specialization" because English borrowed the German word, which was used to describe all dogs, and turned it into a more specialized name for just one certain breed of dog.

Ok- back to perhaps.

Definition: Perhaps. (adverb) maybe; possibly.

Etymology (Origin):
"1528, formed from M.E. per, par "by, through" + plural of hap "chance" (see happen), on model of peradventure, perchance, etc. which now have been superseded by this word."

We say "hapless" meaning unlucky... and then we say per-haps meaning "by-chance"... interesting.

O.E. = Old English (449-1100 AD)
M.E = Middle English (1100-1500 AD)
Early Mod.E.= Early Modern English (1500-1800 AD)
Late Mod.E. = Late Modern English (1800-Present)


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